Saturday, April 3, 2010


I had been engaged in building a robot with some of my friends. Till now we have placed a touch sensor so if any human touches it, it will recognise the touch. A light sensor is also present though the range is only 10m but it efficiently recognises any object in front of it within a range of 10m, finally a temperature sensor so whenever temperature in surrounding will go beyond 323K it will raise an alarm. As my knowledge will grow I hope to use image processing algorithm so that my bot will recognise plenty of things present on earth. At the same time I hope to make touch sensor & temperature sensor more efficient so that it will classify touch of living & non-living being furthermore it will classify among living being separately non-living being separately. Then I will make a fully automated factory which will make electric cells for my robots & even assemble the accessories to form the final robot. Thus I will free from making arrangement for their power supply. Of course these are tough to implement but not unrealistic. As the time passes things will become more efficient with more functionalities. Finally I will remove the entire feature in those robots that give them any trace of human existence say in the image processing algorithms used or the sensors designed. Are you able to guess my intentions why I wish to do so or what thoughts are driving me into these?

If I confine everything I mentioned in a single room of my house I could portray myself as GOD because I have created a new world in the room. May be this way I make myself feel important but think a bit & draw analogy between the world I wish to create & the world in which we live. From the beginning of human race we find ourselves endowed with natural resources, a beautiful planet to live & numerous questions to look for? I hope I have provided the same to robots living in the room. We believe nature has provided us these resources simultaneously we can’t think beyond them. Why can’t we imagine what surrounds our universe, why can’t we deduce the reason for our existence, creation of our solar system. We do say god exits, HE is all around us but we can’t see him, touch him & even feel him or it may be possible that at the time we were created the algorithm to detect out creator was removed in the same way I will do for the robots of my small room world. The room will be the UNIVERSE for those robots but obviously the world is not confined to the room, there are chances our world may extend beyond our scientific discoveries. Now if the analogies are true then our world is very much safe & uncertain. Safe in the sense that there is Someone who is observing the system & He won’t let it annihilated & uncertain because whatever measure we take have no significance in the consequence as our & system’s destinies are predetermined. Still we feel we are living our way under the influence of our thought process & our innovation without considering the fact we may be designed to think that way & we innovate coz we think that way.

Again an analogy, a possibility without a proof. But I propose, for every proof we begin with an assumption but I at this stage, am not ready to believe any assumption. Let’s consider fishes living under water, for them how would be the outside world perhaps beyond their imagination but they could proceed with an assumption for modelling the outside world. How far it will be true no one knows but absolutely far beyond what really exists. The assumption must have some relevancy to the final solution & here we can’t even predict the final solution.. But of course my way of finding the answers is like a wild goose chase nevertheless my pursuit will continue.......